everyday i have to sit at the front desk for 2 hours now. so i figured i could use this time to find cool stuff to write about. i met jer from nc due to a mixtape/cd trade i organized for the annual oma bbq and he brought me a copy of pink crack zine #5 out of wilmington, nc. i was totally excited to finally get to see it. the first thing i noticed was that pod is on the contributors list. pod really gets around!
the zine is pretty awesome. it's mostly photos in the cut and paste style. it's also a giggler. so many hilarious pictures, "ads", and captions. my favorite has to be the story written by jonathan smith titled "charles bukowski's unpublished manuscript concerning his brief foray into professional wrestling" hahaha... it's written very much in bukowski style. there's also some rad art by jeremy millard.
this zine goes straight to the toilet (this is a good thing!). i give it 8 sheets of tp out of 10.
here are some pictures i snagged with my cell phone this morning (the scanner at work is still not working properly):
write pink crack collective at 2450 louisiana street, wilmington, nc 28401 or pinkcrackkills@yahoo.com