Saturday, January 26, 2019


Wednesday, January 23, 2019

the frisco skatepark

luckily i can survive winter because we were able to check out the frisco skatepark the weekend before the first and neverending snow fell in the mountains. this park is effing amazing! i love evergreen skateparks... the park is super fast and fun with a buttery smooth finish. i've never skated anything like it, can't wait til the snow melts to hit it up again! thank you for your amazing and hard work <3 p="">
click on the photos for a larger version to drool over...

a couple of short clips...

kaboomfield in broomfield, celebrating MLK

In honor of  Martin Luther King Jr., we celebrated a day for remembrance of a great leader as some righteous shredding went down at the Broomfield Skatepark.
chuck with a big frontside air

chuck fingerflip lein to tail
Wyatt says "and fuck scooters" too

mike jones back smith

hayden boardslide over the stairs

chuck tweaked air

andrea going for the tiles

asian geoff with the frontside grind

racerx with his signature early release frontside air

mike jones lein to tail

