Friday, July 10, 2009

i saw him.

thanks, lange

table art

he's just so creative.

and so is she.

this started out as the wrong stencil and it grew a body. so funny.

sauce double oh eight

sauce is one of my favorite zines. not only is it done by some rad dudes, but it's always got rad pictures and content. even the ads are rad.

i have to admit, i was a little confused when i saw this title on the cover. now it makes total sense. these dudes would fit right in here.

this article melted my heart. i hear ya' dude. sounds like you got it a little worse than us soiled brats in az. but we can definitely relate. thanks for informing people that it's ok to bitch about "our" scenes. nothing will change until people start doing something about it!

best picture next to baker's front side grind. carl kills it.

best ad goes to....DORFUS! dude is fun to watch skate, he totally rips.

radness! can't wait for the next one.

to get your sauce, go to a local skateshop and if they don't carry it, go here:


Monday, July 6, 2009

i want to go here

photo stolen from david hammond facebook

shiny saints

another panda puking rainbows. this time in a threatening manner
