kind of a blah morning, thought i'd go through some old emails with more forwarded cell phone pictures. sometimes, they actually work out.
mike rains head popping out of places romance oozes - jonesboro, arkansas
wrex and jayzpx were in tennessee building the franklin bowl, i think it's called the "general", and i was up visiting from oxford. here's wrex with a breakdancing interlude, poppin' n lockin' fool as they skated the hotel parking lot...
he sent this one night when he was building the skatepark out in alburquerque. it's a rad ditch called the bear. apparently the walls are about 30 feet tall. i might be accidentally exaggerating.
i spotted this on mill avenue in tempe. we were walking back from just seeing american hardcore in the old movie theater. it was a cool place with comfy lovebird seating and an antique feel to it.