sauce is a rad skate zine from pod (portland) and bakerface (tempe)... each issue gets better and better and apparently more colorful as well. baker seems to be really comfortable with his writing. i almost felt like i was sitting there listening to one of his stories when i was reading the "animals of summer" article. RAD!!! great shots of summer ramp skating in az. tom & his summer oasis, chino crest, gets props! there's a story on the history of the ollie called "ollie ollie oxen free" - i haven't read it yet, so i can't give you the lowdown on that one but the one that caught my eye was the "science of an add on to a backyard ramp, arkansas style" wooo! funny ass pictures. i never knew the water bottle trick. there's something that resembles a scene report gone out of state with pink crack and the nypd. they got a rippin' chick there too! there's a couple of reviews by bakerface on "under the influence" (rad pool skating video in case you don't know) and the falling down deck on old man army. this is a thick issue... onto the full pipes of colorado, some of the raddest shots by pod! yeeeaaahhhh pod!! a skaterock section and the daily grind photo mission... almost too much to mention in what i think for some reason should be a short thing to write, but i'm wrong, this sauce is jam-packed with skateboarding goodness. okay i'm starting to sound like a commercial. sorry!
here's a picture from the issue...
tank girl from nc
tom at chino crest