Monday, April 13, 2009

my attempt at living the life of skaterat... it was a rushed thing since it rained on saturday and an improptu party thought of on friday was cancelled. next weekend though! we'll see what happens...

yesterday was awesome, got to pee-oh-ree-ya at 8, had to wait until 8:30 to get in because of the wet spots. skated there with a somewhat empty park until 12ish then went to desert west and skated for a couple of hours while our new skate friends (nappalattadingdong, caleb, and russ) cooked carne asada on the grill. finally left after some complex guys showed up and started blasting some horrible "rap". i think it was ludacris or something. then went back to the house for some more skating on the ramp, drinking, and more delicious food with wrex, al, max and caleb. al's grandma hooked it up with filet mignon, coconut shrimp, sweet potatoes and green beans from chicago. (thanks for sharing with us, al!) too much beer led to bb gun competitions and a wrestling match between old friends. the memories are vague for some...

small, yet juicy and delicious = filet mignon

wrex and caleb skated switch for about an hour.

beer slams!

the remnants of coconut fried shrimp

mmm another view of the meat

mmmm twang. we got some of this when we first moved into our house as a house warming present and recently spotted some on a counter at the store. had to get it.

max keester mvp

beer smash!